During a session last week a client shared a story with me that reminded me why it’s so important to focus on being in tune with your body, especially if you have anxiety. Continue to read on and I’ll share with you why ⬇️
See, this client pushed herself doing a project at home and overdid it, instead of listening to her body, which was telling her to slow down.
We talked about - because I can totally relate. I’ve had many, many days where I’ve just pushed through when I knew I needed to rest or go slowly. It took me well over a year to let it really sink and I still don’t do it “perfectly” - because we know that doesn’t exist.
As a society we have been conditioned to go, go, go and move non stop.
If we do stop we’re labeled or judged, even by ourselves, as “lazy”, “unmotivated”, etc. I still have days when I listen to my body and rest, but still question “am I just being lazy today?”.
Maybe you can relate?
It shows up as…
🤸Feeling like you can’t sit still, being on edge, and often feeling behind.
🤸Constantly flying from appointment to meetings to kids soccer to errands and wearing busy like a badge.
🤸When you do slow down you immediately feel bored and reach for distraction and can never REALLY REST.
But, when you listen to our body…
💫You become more in tune with it over time and the questioning starts to fade, and the connectedness grows.
💫Your body starts to believe the truth - that it is safe to rest, to go slowly, to move and even live a life with ease.
💫And when you’re in tune with our body and our body feels safe, we begin to alleviate anxiety, stress, over thinking, and much more.
The best wisdom we have is in the body, not the mind. And, the hardest part is listening.
Next time you get an urge to have downtime, to not do the task or activity you think you “should” be doing, pause and see what the body has to tell you. It might be time to rest.
Drop a gif below if this is something you’re struggling with right now!